Great Opportunity to Help a Child 
Volunteer to Tutor or Share Your Interests with Alabama Hispanic Association (AHA) Children.
This is just a one time commitment (or more, if you wish!)
AHA needs YOU to help out with their English and math tutoring program. Each Saturday morning from 2/25 to 4/15 in the Fellowship Hall the sessions will run as follows:
- 9:30 to 10:15 English
- 10:15 to 10:30 snack
- 10:30 to 11:00 math
- 11:00 to 11:30 special activity presented by volunteer (i.e. gardening, craft, game, etc.)
Each Saturday, AHA needs 5 tutors for English and math (not necessarily the same 5 for both subjects) and 1 person to share a hobby, craft, etc. with the kids in the special activity. Ten children, ranging from elementary to high school, are participating.
You do not need to speak Spanish, and several other tutors, some from AHA, will be present in the Fellowship Hall with you. You do not need to be a teacher to do this, just to have patience and enthusiasm.
To sign up, follow this link to Sign up Genius, or call Tonia Betts (
Thank you!
Sponsored by the Alabama Hispanic Association in cooperation with your Social Justice Committee.