Why Become a Member of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Huntsville?

As a member of a congregation based on liberal religious values, you will have an opportunity to share your spiritual journey, make connections, transform lives, and work to heal the world. You will find kindred spirits among other members who believe in the dignity and worth of every person, reverence for all life, and freedom of the individual to develop his or her own beliefs in personally meaningful ways.

At UUCH, we embrace the rich tapestry of spiritual beliefs that promote love, reason, and the freedom of individuals to choose their own unique spiritual paths. UUCH is a multi-generational congregation that is committed to providing a secure and loving environment in which children can receive a world-based religious education.

Membership entitles you to opportunities for participation in our community that are not available to non-member friends. Members may vote at all congregational meetings, be elected to the governing Board, be appointed as committee chairs, and participate in all activities of the congregation.

Because we are a covenanted congregation, members have certain responsibilities to the congregation and to each other. These responsibilities are best fulfilled by:

  • Regular attendance at worship. Weekly worship cements the bonds of community, and keeps our attention directed to our highest values, while nurturing our spirits.
  • Voting at congregational meetings. Responsible participation includes imagining the needs of the entire congregation, rather than focusing only on one’s own needs or desires. Consider how issues affect all members of the congregation, as well as potential members and others in the world outside the congregation.
  • Making financial contributions. Not only does this provide for the support of the congregation, but it also serves as a spiritual discipline.
  • Contributing time and talent. Congregations succeed because their members find ways to give of themselves, whether through singing, financial management, educating children, sharing their passion for social justice, organizing, cooking, greeting, maintaining the building and grounds—the list of tasks goes on and on. Finding ways to give back that nurture your own soul helps support your personal growth along with the growth of our congregation.
  • Spiritual growth and development. Working deliberately at your own spiritual development is a gift to yourself, to the congregation, and to the larger world.

How Do You Become a Member?

Once you decide to join UUCH, you become a member by attending a New UU Class, completing some paperwork, and signing the UUCH Membership Book.

The New UU Class is a series of classes held on Sunday mornings before the regular service. These classes are offered at least twice a year.

The Membership Book contains the signatures of all the people who have joined our church since UUCH began. When you sign the Membership Book, you make a commitment to support the church with your time, talents, and treasure, according to your means.

New members are introduced to the congregation at the New Member Recognition Ceremony, which is held as part of the regular Sunday service.

You can get more information about the Unitarian Universalist Church of Huntsville and about becoming a member by talking to Rev. Jaimie Dingus or Pam Korb before or after the Sunday service.  Or, you may ask for information by emailing UUCH@uuch.org, Attention Membership.