“Together We Can!” is the theme for UUCH’s Annual Pledge/Budget Drive for 2024-2025!

We pledge our financial support because we love one another, our principles and our mission. Every pledge joins us with this sacred and shared journey and honors not only our present mission but builds towards the beloved community of the future.  

Make your commitment to our future together at Unitarian Universalist Church of Huntsville by pledging as generously as you are able.   

To kick off our pledge drive we will have a PARTY – to celebrate us – during our potluck after church on March 3. We will celebrate each other, learn about the pledge drive and HAVE FUN!  Please bring a dish to share. Dessert will be on us!

In addition, sign up now for one of our cottage meetings! Here you will have the opportunity to connect with others and share your inspirations and dreams for our church.  You can also get your questions answered about our annual budget drive and fill in your pledge form– online or hardcopy.  There are many events to choose from – one to fit your schedule. Sign up at the link below or in Fellowship Hall after service!  

Cottage Meeting Signup Genius. Pledges can be made online and via hard copy. You can use the DONATE feature on our website to set up automatic payments. We can accomplish so much, because “Together We Can!”