Goodbye to Governor’s Drive!

Exciting news! We’ve now officially sold our property on Governor’s Drive. It served us well for many years, and we’re delighted to see it move into its new role housing the Blossomwood Foundation, a local nonprofit charity that serves people in Nepal. When we voted to sell the property some years ago, we agreed that the Property Sales and Purchase Committee was authorized to seek out the “highest and best use” for the land and building, a term with specific meaning in real estate-that is, we agreed to sell it in the way that would bring the congregation the most money. How wonderful that in doing so we’ve also been able to allow the building to serve its best use in continuing to be involved in social justice work!
From here, Property, Finance, and the Board will be gathering information about the best use of the sales revenue, which will be presented to the congregation for discussion and eventually for a vote.

In the meantime, the Board offers its sincere thanks to the various members of the Property Sales and Purchase Committee, and to the Negotiation team the Board tasked with seeing us through the last hurdles before finally completing the sale.