Your Pledge Dollars at Work!

Thank You! Thank you to all of you who pledged support for UUCH during our Annual Budget Drive (ABD). Many of you contribute monthly via automatic withdrawals or checks or cash when the plate comes around or have prepaid for the year. THANK YOU! During the ABD last Spring, we highlighted planned efforts to improve … Continue reading Your Pledge Dollars at Work!

Sharing the Plate

We Share the Plate with Free2Be GLBT Advocacy and Youth Services   Free2Be Mission Free2Be is dedicated to engaging in effective advocacy for gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people. We are committed to ensuring the physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being of youth and young adults struggling due to sexual orientation or gender identity issues. Description … Continue reading Sharing the Plate

From Our Minister

Sabbatical Time Again? Yes. It is sabbatical time again. The offer of sabbatical is a tradition in Unitarian Universalist congregations. Recognition of the need for renewal and reflection by ministers is acknowledged in the process of calling a minister. Here are some words from the Department of Ministry of the Unitarian Universalist Association. “The Sabbatical, … Continue reading From Our Minister

From Our Minister

Last spring I learned about Ray and Frances Johnson, former members of UUCH, who were considering making a generous donation to this church they helped found over 50 years ago. Although the Johnsons moved away, they remained Unitarian Universalist. First, though, it appears they wanted to find out how we were doing as a congregation. … Continue reading From Our Minister

Music Notes

Pam Siegler, UUCH Choir Director Hi all! As part of our UUCH music ministry mission to enrich congregational life and worship through music, I’d like to let you know more about the UU music professional organization I belong to and my professional credentialing process that supports vibrant and soulful music ministry in our congregation. The … Continue reading Music Notes

From Our Minister

Last week, as agreed upon by the Unitarian Universalist ministers and our congregations in the Alabama and Gulf Coast Cluster, I preached at the UU Fellowship in Auburn while their minister is on sabbatical. Amanda Schuber graciously accepted my invitation to fill the pulpit here, introducing our theme for February, Desire. The question to ponder … Continue reading From Our Minister

We Have a New Website!

Using the new WordPress Theme created by the UUA, we are delighted to have launched our new site. We hope you like it! We have worked hard to minimize the inevitable glitches and errors that will occur with such a big transition. If you find a broken link, misspelled word, or other similar issue with … Continue reading We Have a New Website!

Commit2Respond: A Call to Action for UUs

As the need to address global climate change becomes increasingly urgent, UU’s have responded by launching the Commit2Respond initiative. Through Commit2Respond, individuals, congregations, and organizations are being asked to commit to take action in the next two years in each of three ways.