Chairs, Chairs, Chairs!

This Sunday (8/11) after church we need your help replacing chair seats and backs. Pizza will be provided for lunch. Children are welcome as helpers, though child care not provided. We expect to be done by 3 p.m. but will be done sooner with more help. We will be unscrewing orange and blue seats/backs and … Continue reading Chairs, Chairs, Chairs!

Beyond Categorical Thinking

“Will the new minister hear me? Will my concerns and needs be met? Will the minister understand what I’m living with? How will the community respond to our minister?” In answering these questions, a picture of the “ideal minister” (categorized by age, gender identity, nationality, physical or cognitive ability, race, sexual orientation, etc.) probably comes … Continue reading Beyond Categorical Thinking

SoulCollage® Group

This fall we will be restarting our popular SoulCollageĀ® group. Based on the work of Seena Frost, SoulCollageĀ® is an easy, creative way to get in touch with your right brain, intuitive self. We will cut or tear out images from magazines and glue them on a card. The use of images (instead of language) … Continue reading SoulCollage® Group

Board Report July 2019

The UUCH Board conducted its regularly scheduled meeting on July 23, 2019. This was the first meeting of the 2019-20 Board.   The Board discussed our hopes for our congregation for the upcoming year. Topics of discussion included hiring our new minister, focusing on continued growth, and developing our church’s leaders and volunteers.   The … Continue reading Board Report July 2019

Beyond Categorical Thinking

“Will the new minister hear me? Will my concerns and needs be met? Will the minister understand what I’m living with? How will the community respond to our minister?” In answering these questions, a picture of the “ideal minister” (categorized by age, gender identity, nationality, physical or cognitive ability, race, sexual orientation, etc.) probably comes … Continue reading Beyond Categorical Thinking

UUCH Choir Fall Kickoff

The music of the UUCH Choir is a huge part of our music ministry, and we are returning from our summer break! Feel the spirituality lifting us in song. Whether you have music experience or will be having your very first musical experience, feel welcome to join us on Wednesday, August 14, from 7:00 p.m. … Continue reading UUCH Choir Fall Kickoff

We Need Your Pictures

Have you taken some good snapshots during church services or events in the past year or so? We want to include a wide variety of photos on our new website from a unique perspective — yours! Let’s show prospective friends and members what UUs look like in action as we care, educate, worship, advocate, and … Continue reading We Need Your Pictures

First Sunday Potluck

Please join us Sunday, August 4, after the service for our monthly First Sunday Potluck Lunch.     Have a new recipe you’ve been wanting to try or a summer-time favorite you’d like to share? Here’s the perfect opportunity! Drop off your dish before the service, either on the tables set up in the corner … Continue reading First Sunday Potluck