Cookies for AHA Families

Holiday Cookie Baskets Thursday, December 3rd 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. We will be providing 26 cookie baskets for the UUCH/Alabama Hispanic Association Christmas event. Please sign up on the Sign-up Genius below to bring three (3) dozen cookies (wrapped in groups of 4) to UUCH on December 3, 2020. Jessica Schulz will be there … Continue reading Cookies for AHA Families

UUCH COVID-19 Policy Update

Adopted by the Board of Trustees 8/25/2020 Out of love and respect for every member of the congregation and in an ongoing effort to promote public safety during the COVID-19 outbreak, the leadership of UUCH has developed the following policy. This policy covers any event or gathering sponsored by a committee or an established part … Continue reading UUCH COVID-19 Policy Update


Here’s an opportunity to help people in our community! UUCH will be participating again this year in the annual effort to winterize homes of local seniors. The Care Assurance System for the Aging (CASA) Taking Energy Measures Personally equals Savings (TEMP$) program is an annual one-day event in which teams of CASA volunteers weatherize the homes of … Continue reading CASA TEMP$ Work Day