Raised Bed Construction & Other Opportunities
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Date(s) - 04/03/2021
10:00 am - 1:00 pm
Community Garden: Calling all gardeners! (Master to novice)
To provide fresh food for the UUCH Little Food Pantry, we are expanding the initial garden we started last year. We have materials to build three raised beds that will allow us to grow a greater quantity and wider variety of vegetables. There are several opportunities for you to help with this project to reduce hunger in the community and our congregation.
- Building the raised beds can be done in a couple of hours by a few people.
- Planting seedlings or seeds can also be done in a couple of hours.
- In the comfort of your own home, though, you can also help by starting the seedlings for planting. In addition to tomatoes and peppers, seedlings of broccoli, cabbage, brussel sprouts, and other vegetables are wanted.
- There are opportunities to help with the garden throughout the growing season: harvesting, watering, and generally maintaining the garden. Scheduling will be through Signup Genius.
Spring has now officially arrived and this is the time to get the garden growing. Raised bed construction is planned for Saturday, April 3, starting at 10:00 AM. The rain date is Sunday, April 4 at 2:00 PM.
For more information, and to sign up to assist, contact LaDawn Edwards at sapphirestar@live.com.