Commit2Respond: A Call to Action for UUs

As the need to address global climate change becomes increasingly urgent, UU’s have responded by launching the Commit2Respond initiative.

Through Commit2Respond, individuals, congregations, and organizations are being asked to commit to take action in the next two years in each of three ways: Shift to a low carbon future; Advance the human rights of affected communities; and Grow the climate justice movement. The Commit2Respond website is becoming an interactive hub of information, suggesting resources and various actions in each of the three areas, but leaving it open for each congregation to develop its own plan. The initiative unites two deeply held convictions of our congregation: the need for social justice and the determination to face the most challenging environmental issue facing humankind — global climate change. Please watch for more information as the Social Justice committee explores the possibilities and prepare for a congregational vote of commitment sometime in the future.