Picture Directory

It’s time to update our church picture directory. Schedule your LifeTouch appointment now. Every participating family receives a free professional portrait. Plus, just in time for holiday cards and gifts, if you purchase photographs, LifeTouch will include a 30% off coupon to Shutterfly.   Our scheduled dates are October 22 and 23, with additional dates … Continue reading Picture Directory

The Ministerial Search Committee Wants to Hear from YOU!

As part of our search for a new, settled minister, your Ministerial Search Committee has developed a survey to provide an opportunity for the congregation to express their ideas and opinions about the church’s future, and the type of minister we would like to lead us to that future.

Share the Offering

During August and September, we are sharing the Sunday offering with Knight’s Village. If you have a favorite nonprofit you’d like for UUCH to support, nominate it for future sharing by contacting the Social Justice Committee.

Virtual Office Hours

The Church Office will be closed August 17 – August 24. If you need assistance during that time, please email or call (256) 534-0508. All inquiries will be answered within 24 hours.

Letter from the MSC

Dear UUCH Member,   This Saturday morning, from 9 am to noon, you will have the unique opportunity to participate in a workshop that will address the ideals and biases that we may have related to our next settled minister. This workshop, called Beyond Categorical Thinking, will be led by the Rev. Keith Kron who … Continue reading Letter from the MSC

Share the Plate

August through September, we will share the Sunday offering with the Huntsville nonprofit Knight’s Village. Sponsored by the Social Justice Committee

Name that Newsletter!

With 29 total ballots cast, the rankings for our Name That Newsletter Contest are: 4th place, with 3 votes – The Broadmor Bulletin 3rd place, with 4 votes – The NUUsletter 2nd place, with 6 votes – The Chalice Flame 1st place, with 10 votes – We wait until the new mission statement is complete! … Continue reading Name that Newsletter!

Adult RE: Studying the Bible

The first two sessions in our Studying the Bible series examined creation myths and Parables. The series will continue in August.    This series offers a UU Adult Religious Education context where we will discuss sections of the Bible, with an eye on both its ancient and modern functions. While the Bible can be read … Continue reading Adult RE: Studying the Bible