Music Notes

Pam Siegler, UUCH Choir Director

Hi all! As part of our UUCH music ministry mission to enrich congregational life and worship through music, I’d like to let you know more about the UU music professional organization I belong to and my professional credentialing process that supports vibrant and soulful music ministry in our congregation.

The Unitarian Universalist Musicians Network (UUMN) is the professional organization of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) founded in 1983 to develop and enrich music ministry in the denomination and to support the musicians who carry out this vital work. The mission of UUMN is to nurture, educate, and inspire UU music leaders to create dynamic and transformative music ministries and to model and promote excellence in shared ministry.

The Music Leadership Credentialing Program (MLCP) was developed by the UUMN to summon music leaders to their calling of music ministry, enrich their service to UU congregations, and enhance their professional perspective, skills and standing in the UUA. The curriculum is designed on three foundational areas of knowledge: music skills and resources, UU heritage and values, and leadership and interpersonal skills. The six core courses I will take in my credentialing process are Leadership and Accompaniment of Congregational Singing, Integrating Music and Worship within UU Musical Heritage, Developing and Maintaining a Music Program, Leading a Rehearsal, Ethics and Care for the Music Leader, and Anti-racism, Anti-oppression, Multicultural training. Two of these courses are offered at each UUMN Conference over a three-year period. In addition, a Professional Development Day segment helps hone the skills which round out those necessary for an enriching and successful music ministry.

Over the course of this three-year program I will be expected to develop and demonstrate the following competencies:

  • Leading congregational singing
  • Leading musical rehearsals
  • Planning and conducting worship services
  • Familiarity with musical resources, including hymnody and other forms of congregational song
  • Practical knowledge of how to build and organize a music program in a congregation
  • Understanding of UU history and values
  • Familiarity with UU congregational structure and governance
  • Application of professional ethics and standards of conduct
  • Understanding of congregations as emotional systems
  • Competency in collaborative leadership and church staff skills
  • Ability to clearly articulate a personal creative vision of music as ministry within Unitarian Universalism
  • Best practices in fostering movement towards being anti-racist, anti-oppressive, and multi-culturally competent within the congregation and beyond
As I walk this journey with you in our congregation, I have confidence this training will enhance our worship, foster our shared spiritual growth, and strengthen the connection of our hearts.If you want to read more about UUMN or MLCP go to If you’d like to share any ideas for the UUCH music program or if you’d like to get involved, email me at I’ll look forward to sharing more in upcoming newsletters.

(The information in this article was taken from