Our Mission

We are the Unitarian Universalist Church of Huntsville, a proudly inclusive
spiritual community. Together we build a:
● Broader search for meaning
● Bolder form of compassion
● Braver voice for justice

Our Vision

Our diverse and welcoming congregation seeks to improve ourselves, our
community, and the world through love and action. Together we envision:
● Nurturing our multigenerational community so that people of all ages
can learn, worship, and serve together, while looking forward with
curiosity, reason, and wonder.
● Cultivating our collective and individual searches for truth and
meaning by remaining open-minded, asking questions, reflecting on
life’s challenges, learning from the wisdom of Unitarian Universalist
and world traditions, and sharing our diverse beliefs.
● Embracing each other through our church covenant, encouraging and
building healthy relationships of respect and gratitude, inspiring
generosity in times of joy and need, and reminding each other that we
are not alone.
● Honoring the inherent worth and dignity of every person, welcoming new
people, and striving to address the physical, cultural, and societal barriers*
to genuine belonging in our community.
● Committing to create a peaceful and sustainable world with justice
and thriving for all, through individual and collective action, in
collaboration with other spiritual and community organizations.

*By “physical, cultural, and societal barriers” we mean the human identities that have
been the basis for systemic exclusion. Examples include race, ethnicity, religion,
economic status, gender identity, sexuality, ability, neurotype, citizenship, education
level, language, age, body size, relationship dynamics/family structure, and criminal
history. Our work is to shift our church culture so that none of these examples create a
barrier to genuine belonging in our congregation. This list is not comprehensive. We are
constantly learning from one another.

Our Covenant

We, as members of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Huntsville, covenant to work together to create a supportive, affirming, sustaining community that inspires and challenges each of us to become our best selves. To further our goal of creating such an intentional community, we promise each other to:

● Affirm the inherent worth and dignity of every member of our community, valuing our differences and supporting each other in a free and responsible search for truth and meaning

● Listen to one another with the intent of understanding, and speak to one another with respect and kindness, so that all may be heard

● Recognize that forming an intentional community may at times require us to place the need of the community above our own needs

● Foster caring relationships by assuming the best intent in others, disagreeing in love, and empowering one another to speak for ourselves

● Affirm the work of the church to the best of our abilities, valuing the work of others, and supporting those who voluntarily accept leadership roles in the church

● Promote an environment where all people feel safe, both physically and emotionally

● Use the energy and support we thus create to bring our vision of justice, equity, and compassion in human relations into our wider community, our nation, and our world