Studying the Bible
Date(s) - 07/28/2019
9:00 am - 10:30 am
Unitarian Universalist Church of Huntsville
The Bible is one of the Sources of our UU faith tradition, but its dominance in our society can make it difficult for us to see it clearly. While the Bible can be read for many different reasons, at least one reason is for the window it offers into the ancient world — a window that may also help us understand its role in modern society.
UUCH will offer an Adult Religious Education (RE) series in which we will discuss sections of the Bible, with an eye on both its ancient and modern functions. The series will be facilitated by Laurel Bollinger, a long-standing member of UUCH and Professor of English at UAH, where she has taught the Bible as Literature for over 15 years.
Sessions will include the following:
June 30 (this Sunday): Genesis Creation stories
July 28: Parables
August 25: TBD
Join us in the Adult RE room on each of these Sundays at 9:00 a.m. If you need childcare, please let Nancy Finley know a week before the event. Everyone is welcome.