Topic: Worship

“The Heart of Humanism”

This week we have the great privilege of joining our friends at the Lake Chapala UU Fellowship in Jalisco, Mexico. We will log in to their zoom service at 10:30 AM Central Time (to be provided). Rev. Matt Alspaugh will lead the service. Here is his description: Humanism describes a religious movement that emphasizes human … Continue reading “The Heart of Humanism”

“There’s No Time!”

If someone asked you if you had a moment to contemplate and rest, might you respond, “There’s no time!”? Me, too. Many of us have been there, at least sometimes, grinding it out here in capitalism—caregivers, parents, laborers, teachers, workers, students, organizers, nurses, and others. Join Rev. Stevie as we explore rest and contemplation, not … Continue reading “There’s No Time!”

“Building a Legacy”

At our very successful Virtual Service Auction this year, Tim Miller won the opportunity to choose a sermon topic for a Sunday Service. Based on the book, “Shaking the Gates of Hell: A Search for Family and Truth in the Wake of the Civil Rights Revolution” written by John Archibald, we will reflect on our … Continue reading “Building a Legacy”

“Big Questions”

Rilke wrote, “Love the questions themselves… live the questions now.” On Sunday, Rev. Jaimie will lead a question box service by answering questions from the congregation. Bring your questions, your big theological questions, your questions about Unitarian Universalism, the questions that keep you wondering and growing spiritually. Please send in your questions to or … Continue reading “Big Questions”

“Pride Service: Redefining Family Through Adoption”

Join us as we explore the idea of “chosen family.” Members of the LGBT Community often find support outside biological relatives and create new families through adoption. We’ll hear from a few examples of same-gender parents with non-traditional families. Video Link

“Becoming Beloved”

Our Universalist roots call us to an embracing, all-encompassing, salvific Love. This universal love meets us where we are and crucially also asks us to grow more whole through our encounters with each other. To embody this love, we must transform and be transformed by our commitments to lift each other up, to seek liberation … Continue reading “Becoming Beloved”

“Seven Principles, Seven Pandemics, Many Stories: A Youth-Led Multigenerational Service”

The YOUUTH Group will lead this powerful worship service exploring how our UU principles speak to big issues facing our world. The kids in the morning CYRE Group will share a story for all ages that they wrote and illustrated. Our young people will be supported in their ministry by Erin Reid, DRE, Harper Goodman, … Continue reading “Seven Principles, Seven Pandemics, Many Stories: A Youth-Led Multigenerational Service”