Better Breathing and Stress Reduction
Date(s) - 04/17/2020 - 04/20/2020
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Categories No Categories
Better Breathing and Stress Reduction
During times of stress we all tend to hold our breath. How can we let go of this habit and improve our capacity to breath? The Feldenkrais Method® with its ability to improve movement and awareness can be helpful for times such as we are currently experiencing.
Moving air into and out of the lungs is accomplished by movements of a system of muscles including the diaphragm, muscles between the ribs, and other muscles in the chest, neck and the back. The diaphragm and intercostal or “between the ribs” muscles do most of the work of moving air, but if the accessory muscles become stiff, expansion of the rib cage can be limited. Maintaining elasticity in these muscles is critical for the health of the respiratory system, and for maximizing its capacity.
Join us for a series of Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement® lessons with a focus on breathing. These lessons will be taught via Zoom. We will be lying on the floor, or a bed, or you can sit and imagine you are lying. Ideally you would arrange your camera so you can be seen, but as long as you can hear the instructions, you will be able to follow the lesson. In the Feldenkrais Method® the teacher rarely demonstrates. Instead the student listens to the instructions, approximates them as closely as they can, and figures out what works for them. Each person finds how they can improve, instead of how to achieve a fixed goal. So you can make the impossible possible, the possible easy, and the easy elegant.
We will be meeting twice a week, Monday 10:00-11:00 and Friday 2:00-3:00, starting April 13 – April 24.
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Meeting ID: 833 893 149
Password: 317497