Topic: Vision

“Onward and Upward”

For generations, our Universalist and Unitarian ancestors-in-faith sought to grow the Beloved Community by fostering “the continuity of human development in all worlds, or, the progress of humanity onward and upward forever.” And yet, we know that progress is never linear, that there are … read more.

“Building a Legacy”

At our very successful Virtual Service Auction this year, Tim Miller won the opportunity to choose a sermon topic for a Sunday Service. Based on the book, “Shaking the Gates of Hell: A Search for Family and Truth in the Wake of the Civil Rights … read more.

“Looking Forward, Looking Back”

On May 12, 1961, the American Unitarian Association and the Universalist Church of America merged to form our combined faith and the Unitarian Universalist Association. On this, the 60th anniversary of that merger, we will remember that history, reflect on how far our faith has … read more.

“Forgiving As We Go”

We are becoming something new, something we haven’t quite imagined yet. And in the process of becoming, we are going to bump heads and make mistakes. What could it look like to center forgiveness as we move in these uncharted waters? Who might we become … read more.

“The Progressive Religious Impulse”

Unitarian Universalism is a relatively new approach to religion, and also has ancient roots. What is the thread that connects us to our past and informs how we approach our future? And how does being aware of this thread help us live our lives today?

Rev. … read more.

Commitment Sunday

Who we love, who we choose, how we support each other, this is what tells us who we are and what we value. David Brooks writes, “Our lives are stories of recommitment.” We are nearing the threshold, we are visioning the time to come when … read more.

“Sweat the Small Stuff”

In this feel-good society, where the small stuff rolls off our backs, where anger and sorrow are considered wrong, unproductive, and harmful. Not sweating the small stuff has led to a feeling of uselessness and hopelessness and we have been patiently waiting for someone bigger … read more.