Topic: Connecting

“The Longest Night”

The Winter Solstice is the threshold where we pass from longer nights to longer days. This is a sweet and sacred time. In community we reflect and imagine as we cross this threshold together. Join us for this ritual of firelight, sharing, and song.
… read more.

“Growing in Faith”

Rev. Jaimie has just served on the ministerial fellowshipping committee, the body that evaluates and approves candidates for UU ministry. And this week, UUCH is welcoming in new members who are excited to join this loving community. No matter how long Unitarian Universalism has been … read more.

“You Never Know Who is Listening”

This week, Martha Barnette, the co-host of NPRs “A Way With Words”, will lead our worship service. She will reflect on her dad’s personal story of being born into abject poverty in the mountains of North Carolina — literally in a log cabin! … read more.