Topic: Commitment

“I Am Willing”

Holly Near’s song “I Am Willing” featured in this week’s service, is a beloved anthem about how we hold on to hope and keep going despite our obstacles. It is an anthem of resilience, a promise to persist. How do we build up resilience in … read more.

“Becoming Beloved”

Our Universalist roots call us to an embracing, all-encompassing, salvific Love. This universal love meets us where we are and crucially also asks us to grow more whole through our encounters with each other. To embody this love, we must transform and be transformed by … read more.

Commitment Sunday

Who we love, who we choose, how we support each other, this is what tells us who we are and what we value. David Brooks writes, “Our lives are stories of recommitment.” We are nearing the threshold, we are visioning the time to come when … read more.

“Sweat the Small Stuff”

In this feel-good society, where the small stuff rolls off our backs, where anger and sorrow are considered wrong, unproductive, and harmful. Not sweating the small stuff has led to a feeling of uselessness and hopelessness and we have been patiently waiting for someone bigger … read more.

“Lessons and Losses”

A year ago today, we closed the doors of our church and went online for our first virtual service. After 52 Sundays of choosing love, safety, and commitment, we are here, holding our lessons and our losses so tenderly. In this service, we will reflect … read more.